A versatile option
Crushed Products
All of our crushed products are manufactured from 8 inches diameter cobblestone. When crushed down to the finer sizes, it is a 100 percent crushed product with fresh cleavage planes on all faces.
Our crushed products are very versatile and have many uses, such as to make bituminous concrete, in filter beds, various types of drains, and driveways, and also as a base course for roads, streets, parking areas, and more.
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What we carry
Our crushed products consist of the following:
- #8 (3/8 inch) Chips - These are used to manufacture bituminous concrete, in macadam surface treatments (seal coating), and is also blended in with D.G.A. material. Used as a driveway “top dressing”.
- #57 (3/4 inch) Clean Crushed Stone - This product is used in many applications – in ready mixed concrete, in bituminous concrete (black top), as a leveling and bedding material under concrete slabs, in filter beds of septic systems, in foundations drains, French drains, combination drains, and driveways.
- Quarry Process Type 5, Class A (D.G.A.) - This dense graded aggregate is a non plastic material that we manufacture by crushing down 8 inch cobblestone to minus 1 ½ inch size material. This results in a 100 percent crush count. It is a blend of all sizes from the top 1 ½ inch down to a minus 200 size stone powder. This material is easily leveled and compacts to a very dense, concrete like surface. We most often recommend this product for use as an aggregate base course for driveways, parking areas, roads and streets. Pipe line contractors request this material when repairing streets. It replaces the material they take out of the ditch and insures good compaction without settlement and can also be applied as a compacted layer under the pipe for bedding.
- ¼ inch “grits” - This is widely used as an anti skid abrasive material during the winter months by many townships and municipalities. Generally, it is blended with rock salt for that purpose, by the various purchasers to their own specifications. Concrete block manufacturers use these Grits to make a stronger block and reduce cement content. It is used to manufacture concrete pavers, concrete burial vaults, and lawn ornaments. French drains are another application as well as being used in bituminous concrete for tennis court mixes. The product also is in great demand by golf courses for use as a drainage media under their golf greens.

3/8 inch crushed stone